Longitude 131°

Longitude 131° is a transcendent experience of discovery located in the spirited heart of Australia. Facing majestic Uluru/Ayers Rock, Longitude 131° commands spectacular views of the outback icon and World Heritage-listed wilderness of Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park. Delve into the foundation of Anangu culture and explore this irresistible land and the stories of the traditional custodians.

Luxurious and unfettered, Longitude 131° will make your senses come alive.

Partner Information
  • Location: Uluru/Ayers Rock
  • Type of Accommodation: Tented Camp
  • Comfort Level: Luxury
  • Private Balconies Facing Uluru
  • Climate Control
  • Complimentary In-Suite Bar
  • Free WiFi
Things to Do
  • Uluru Camel Ride at Sunrise or Sunset
  • Table 131 Uluru Dining Experience
  • Guided Tours of Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park
  • Tour of Mulgara Gallery
  • View Ancient Rock Art
  • Walk to Mutitjulu Waterhole
Inquire about this partner